Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sisterlocks after the first year....


I've noticed my locs have been changing and for the better!!!...I have more length obviously and i'm noticing in pictures that my hair is starting to take on that "rope-like" texture i absolutely ADORE!!!....Upon touch, i can feel the hair starting to bud on the ends and i'm getting those little balls that i'm tempted to pop off on the very tips

I still have to braid and band even though i've cheated a few times and washed hair feels much different washing without braiding/banding but i had some slippage. Luckily i'm a consultant and I can retighten my own hair!

My Sisterlock Business is doing well...i maintain over 10 clients (i've been a consultant since May/June 2011). Pics are on my website

Here are some pics of my hair...Thanks for keeping up with me!!

Sisterlock Pictures    <-------- click here
